Risk governance and regulatory preparedness: managing risks and risk perception of nanomaterials - part 2
Nanotechnology is already widely used in several industrial sectors and has the potential to grow further. The large majority of the stakeholders from industry, research, policy makers and the public consider very important to establish nano-specific risk management procedures to manage the potential risks of nanomaterials for workers, consumers and the environment. An integrated approach to risk governance is increasingly needed to bridge all the elements of risk perception, risk assessment, management and communication, in line with the expectations of the different stakeholders. This is key also to address the request for specific information and data on nanomaterials by an increasing number of EU regulations, including the recent update of REACH. Comprehensive data sets on nanomaterials properties, risk analysis methodologies, risk communication and guidance on safe use of nanomaterials should be further consolidated, toward a sound, safe by design approach in the development of nano-related products. This is becoming imperative to ensure successful innovation in this field. The session will illustrate recent progress on risk governance models and strategies from caLIBRAte and other key EU and national projects in the field. Particular consideration will be given to the chemicals and nanoelectronics sectors.