Sapienza Posters
Posters will be displayed in the Sangallo Cloister during the event:
Tuesday 11 - Friday 14, 09:00 - 18:00
Alessandro BELARDINI
Dept. SBAI, Sapienza University of Rome
Optical circular dichroism of chiral molecules in elliptical-holes array -
Dept. SBAI and of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome
Functionalized Noble Metal Nanoparticles as a multifunctionals
systems: from optoelectronics to nanomedicine -
Cristina CICERO and Giovanni DE BELLIS
Dept. DIAEE, Sapienza University of Rome
Nanoscale evaluation of the effect of X-rays irradiation on parchment artefacts through AFM and SEM -
Fabrizio FREZZA
Dept. DIET, Sapienza University of Rome
The detection of X@TiO2 core-shell nanoparticles in coatings used for stone protection in Cultural Heritage field -
Dept. DIET, Sapienza University of Rome
Microwave CVD Silicon Nanowires -
Dept. DIAEE, Sapienza University of Rome
Synergistic effects of hybrid carbon nanocomposites with aerospace-grade epoxy resin