Plan 12 June
Plan 11 June | Plan 13 June | Plan 14 June |
09:00 |
Joint Events | JE.I | Open Infrastructures for Research con Open Infrastructures for Research: an innovative approach supported by Regione Lazio |
Room 7 |
JE.II.A | Electron Microscopy School (JE.II.A.1) | Frescoes Room |
JE.IV.II | Nanotecnologie nell’ ingegneria civile e nell’architettura (JE.IV.II.0-2) | Room 15 |
JE.V | School on Silicon Micro- and Nano-Technologies | Room 6 |
TS.I Thematic Symposia, also part of WorkShop (Multitrack Session) |
TS.I.A | 3D micro and nano fabrication and characterization | Room 1 |
TS.I.B | Innovative Micro and Nanotechnologies for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) | Cloister Room |
TS.I.C | Innovation in Environmental Nanotechnology | Room 5 |
TS.I.D | Round Table: Funding strategies and policies for technology parks and nanotechnology centres | Room 8 |
Satellite Events | SE.II | Advances in surface electrical characterization at the nanoscale, Sponsored by Park Systems | Room 17 |
Networking | B2B Meetings | Boaga Library | ||
10:30 |
Coffee Break | Cloister area | ||
11:00 |
Joint Events |
JE.I | Open Infrastructures for Research: an innovative approach supported by Regione Lazio |
Room 7 |
JE.II.A | Electron Microscopy School (JE.II.A.2) |
Frescoes Room |
JE.IV.II | Nanotecnologie nell’ ingegneria civile e nell’architettura (JE.IV.II.3-4) | Room 15 |
JE.V | School on Silicon Micro- and Nano-Technologies | Room 6 |
TS.II Thematic Symposia, also part of WorkShop (Multitrack Session) |
TS.II.A | Current Nano perspectives in the Agri-Food sector, part of the Workshop WS.I AgriNano Techniques | Room 1 |
TS.II.B | Environmental Nanotechnology | Room 5 |
TS.II.C | WinSiC4AP - A European project to compete in the SiC global market | Cloister Room |
TS.II.D | Towards Exascale Supercomputers for Nanotechnology | Room 10 |
TS.II.E | Photonics and Quantum Optics - part I | Room 9 |
TS.II.F | Additive Manufacturing: New processes in materials production and holistic quality inspection from powder to product | Room 8 |
Networking | B2B Meetings | Boaga Library | ||
12:30 |
Lunch break | Cloister area | ||
14:00 |
Joint Events | JE.I | Open Infrastructures for Research: an innovative approach supported by Regione Lazio |
Room 7 |
JE.II.A | Electron Microscopy School (JE.II.A.3) |
Frescoes Room |
JE.IV.II | Nanotecnologie nell’ ingegneria civile e nell’architettura (JE.IV.II.5-6) |
Room 15 |
JE.V | School on Silicon Micro- and Nano-Technologies |
Room 6 |
TS.III Thematic Symposia, also part of WorkShop (Multitrack Session) |
TS.III.A | Nanomaterials and Plant Nutrition, part of the Workshop WS.I AgriNano Techniques |
Room 1 |
TS.III.B | Beyond the lithium-ion battery - part 1 | Room 8
TS.III.C | NANOMEDICINE: applications from bench to bedside - part 1 | Cloister Room
TS.III.D | Tools for the 3D world | Room 5
TS.III.E | Photonics and quantum optics - part 2 | Room 10 |
Satellite Events | SE.II | Advances in surface electrical characterization at the nanoscale, Sponsored by Park Systems | Room 17
Networking | B2B Meetings | Boaga Library | ||
15:30 |
Coffee Break | Cloister area | ||
16:00 |
Joint Events | JE.I | Open Infrastructures for Research: an innovative approach supported by Regione Lazio |
Room 7 |
JE.II.A | Electron Microscopy School (JE.II.A.4) | Frescoes Room |
JE.IV.II | Nanotecnologie nell’ ingegneria civile e nell’architettura (JE.IV.II.7-8) | Room 15 |
JE.V | School on Silicon Micro- and Nano-Technologies | Room 6 |
TS.IV Thematic Symposia, also part of WorkShop (Multitrack Session) |
TS.IV.A | AgriNano Techniques Research Pathways, part of the Workshop WS.I AgriNano Techniques | Room 1 |
TS.IV.B | Beyond the lithium-ion battery - part 2 | Room 8 |
TS.IV.C | NANOMEDICINE: applications from bench to bedside - part 2 | Cloister Room |
TS.IV.D | Industria 4.0 e nuovi materiali:strategie, training e opportunità di finanziamento | Room 5 |
TS.IV.E | Nanotecnologie in Cosmesi | Room 10 |
Networking | B2B Meetings | Boaga Library |