DTC Lazio
The Centre of Excellence of DTC Lazio (Technological District for new technologies applied to cultural heritage of Regione Lazio) was founded on July 2018.
It is a Centre of aggregation and integration of technological skills applied to the conservation, enhancement and promotion of the historical-artistic and cultural heritage of the Lazio Region.
Objective of the Centre is connecting and enhancing the existing research, training and technology transfer skills in the network set up by the founding partners: Sapienza University of Rome, Tor Vergata University, University of Roma Tre, University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, Tuscia University, CNR, ENEA, INFN. Together, these Research Organizations employ over 600 professors and researchers, and 300 other young scholars, PhD students, etc. distributed among 160 institutes and research laboratories.
The activity od the Centre is focused on the enhancement of the overall effectiveness of investments in the sector; on the contribution to the establishment in Lazio of a competitive Centre of excellence at European and international level; on the support to the processes of networking technical-scientific, entrepreneurial and institutional resources.
For more information, take a look to our web site: dtclazio.it