Sito web: http://itfab.bo.imm.cnr.it Contact person: Vittorio MORANDI Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It-fab (http://itfab.bo.imm.cnr.it/) is the Italian network for Micro and Nano Fabrication research infrastructures, an initiative that aims to (i) establish harmonized rules, for clean room management and access policies, IP rules, external costs and reporting, (ii) harmonize and share design and simulation software, service contracts, management of professional services, (iii) define joint best practices for reciprocal support and backup, complementarities, standardization of clean room practices, interoperability and data exchange formats and (iv) define common information system for know-how, projects and equipment databases.
Members of It-fab are CNR-DSFTM (IMM and Nanotec Institutes), PoliFAB from Politecnico di Milano, FBK-CMM and Fondazione Inphotec.
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